
Whats been happening ?

August 2024

Our 2024 brochure is now available to view

On the 20th we were visited by the North West in Bloom judges - this video shows some of what they saw.

July 24

Lymm in Bloom unveiled the new sign for the Sunken Garden, dedicating the space in the memory of Peter Powell.

Apr 24

The team have been pruning and tidying ready for Summer planting

Work has restarted on the Woodland Walk. We are clearing the path, laying ground suppressant fabric and bark, and preparing the wild flower bed.

We are also applying for permission to erect a sign on the Sunken Garden  - watch this space.

Oct 23

The bedding is being swapped from Summer to Winter. We continue to reduce the amount of annual bedding plants and use more permanent shrubs and grasses that are more sustainable and require less maintenance.

The team attended the Northwest in Bloom awards and were delighted to walk away with a Gold medal again.

July 23

We are busy getting everything ready for judging in August. The brochure has been updated and is available to view on the Britiain in Bloom page

March 23

We had out first working party of the year. Weeding the Sunken Garden, pruning the shrubs to let in more light,  and weeding the bed in Davies Way. We also identified further work to be done for future sessions including restoring the bee friendly bed,  placements for our new signage and moving one of the planters in Ridgway Grundy to a more suitable spot.

We've identified a need for a compost heap in Ridgway Grundy so are working through the appropriate approvals.

We've also made our annual grant application to Lymm Parish Council.